'Schiphol renovates, renews and connects.'
This core statement heralded the start of the project Central Security by Schiphol. The Central Security has been in operation since June, 2015 and provides a more efficient security process.
Before, all 71 gates had their own local security facility. The new central security filters are built for a high level of service and short waiting times. Transfer passengers who still have to go through a security check are being directed to the central security facility via a separate route. To accommodate this, all piers have been expanded with an extra layer. The 25 gatehouses with stairs make sure that the passengers follow the correct route from their plane to the central security filters. The additional space created at the gates by the removal of the decentral security facilities, is being used to provide more comfort for the passengers. Next to that, new lounges have been built to be able to rest when waiting for the connecting flight.
Energy efficiency and passenger comfort
Peutz has provided the consultancy on building physics and acoustics. Energy efficiency and passenger comfort go hand in hand, according to Schiphol’s philosophy. There is a minimal need for cooling and heating, because of the application of thermally insulated and sun proof façades and roofs. For the gatehouses and extra layer on the piers, Peutz made climate calculations to realise maximum comfort with minimal use of energy.
In order to keep out the noise of the airplanes, hight sound insulation was applied for the glass panes and the roofs. Especially in the lounges, where transfer passengers can enjoy a quiet moment, one can hardly hear a sound from outside. In order to provide that quiet environment, the climate installations have been built in such a way that the noise of the installations cannot be heard inside the lounge.
Also the sound of large numbers of passengers can be a nuisance without the proper countermeasures. To guarantee the acoustic comfort of the transfer halls, the security filters and the traffic spaces even during busy times, acoustic ceilings have been applied, with additional acoustic panelling on some areas. These applications are not visible to the passengers: everything is integrated in the entire architectural view.
Public address system
A clearly intelligible public address system is essential for good communication towards the passengers. The concept that is being used in Schiphol is the brainchild of Peutz. Together with the expansion of departure halls and the extra floors on the piers, the public address system has also been expanded. For this, Peutz has made the calculations on acoustics and has given directions for the electro-acoustic installation. Lastly, Peutz did practical research in different parts of the airport to test room acoustics, sound levels and intelligibility of the public address system.
In Peutz, Schiphol has found for decades a stable partner for all acoustic and building physics aspects, whether it is spatial acoustics, intelligibility, electro-acoustics, sound emission to the environment and sound levels in the work place. The project Central Security illustrates the versatility of sound in a large number of acoustic projects at the world class airport Schiphol.