The Efteling is an amusement park in Kaatsheuvel, Noord-Brabant, Netherlnads. The park contains more than 60 attractions, but also a theater, two holiday villages, two hotels and a golf course. The amusement park started out as a park for sports and walking and has grown to be the biggest amusement park of the Benelux. The park works together with various worldwide operating companies.
Contribution of Peutz
Peutz consults the Efteling on acoustics issues. Among other issues, research was done on the sound emission to the residential area caused by "The Flying Dutchman". Sound- en vibration measurements were executed and the sound sources were identified. Mitigating measures to the tread region of the wheels were recommended.
Noise measurements
The conducted noise measurements meet the regulations stated in the 'Handleiding meten en rekenen industrielawaai' (Instructions measuring and calculating industry noise) from 1999. The analysis software Spectralyzer was used to analyze the measurements. Various longboats were measured to determine the relationship between the state of the maintenance and the noise emission.
Vibration measurements
The measured values of the vibration measurements, also called the acceleration levels, were converted to construction noise levels to be able to compare the values. These construction noise levels were based on a full conversion of vibration energy into acoustic energy. This made it possible to distinguish the noise contributions of the individual structure parts.
The noise measurements show that mainly the noise emission in the 500 Hz octave band caused the disturbing noise emission of the longboats. To prevent this source-oriented measures, organizational measures or transfer-limiting measures should be taken.
It turned out that wear corrugation on the tread region of the wheels caused vibrations so noise would occur.
Modifying the tread regions was determined as the most effective measure for reducing noise emission.